We warmly welcome all enrolment inquiries and invite parents to contact the school on 03 5795 2937 to make an appointment to meet our Principal, Therese Stewart, and arrange a school tour.
Foundation Enrolments
Children must turn 5 years of age by the 30th of April in the year they are commencing school.
A FoundationTransition program is held in Term 4. This includes:
Visits to the local Kindergartens
Transition sessions to familiarise the children with their new school environment
An Information Session for Parents
Enrolment Application Forms should be accompanied by:
An Immunisation Certificate (may be obtained from your local council or Medicare)
A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate
A copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate if you have one

Foundation Transition Program
Foundation staff and students visit the kindergartens in term three and four each year to read stories, sing songs and talk to the children about St John's and starting school.
Our new Foundation students will participate in three transition mornings in term 4 prior to beginning his/her first year of school. This includes meeting his/her new classroom teacher, being introduced to his/her Year Six buddy and participating in a variety of familiarising activities.
Please contact us for further information about how we can support your child with his/her transition to St John’s

Buddy Program
St John’s has a Buddy program aimed at supporting Foundation students as they transition into school life. All Foundation students have a year six buddy who looks out for them throughout their first year of school.

Enrolment in Other Year Levels
Students who may be enrolling from a year level above Foundation are very welcome. Please call the school and we will be happy to send you an enrolment form and make a time for you to come and have a tour of our school.

The Children at St John’s are very proud of their school. The purpose of the school uniform is to identify each student as a member of the community, and thereby to establish a common bond. The parents and staff together believe that wearing a simple school uniform enhances this feeling of belonging. The wearing of uniforms establishes attitudes of pride and cooperation and adds to the tone of the school. Parents are urged to ensure children wear their uniform and take pride in their appearance. As a SunSmart school, the school hat is a requirement during 1st and 4th terms.

Their Care - Before & After School Care
TheirCare provides Out of Hours School Care for families at St John’s. The program operates each weekday before school from 7:00am – 8:30 am and after school from 3:15pm – 6:00 pm. They also offer a holiday program during school holidays. The program is onsite in the Mercy Centre and provides care for children out of school hours.
Hear From Our Community

"St John’s is an amazing school because all the teachers are very kind and help us to learn. We have a lot of things to play with at recess and lunchtime and we have a gardening group. Everyone is very friendly toward each other. We help a lot of people when we raise money for Caritas."
Tully, Student
"St John’s is a really good school and we have iPads to help us with our learning. We are a kind community. Each week we have a cake raffle to raise money for people who need it. Everyone is welcome at St John’s."
Carter, Student

"I like St John’s because of the learning spaces. They are very modern, spacious and really cosy. This makes it an amazing place to work and learn."
Ryder, Student
"I love St John’s because of all the people here at this school. All of the teachers are caring and help me to learn."
Taylor, Student