Our Community

St John's Parish Euroa was established in 1906 to serve the needs of a growing rural population settling in the rich pastoral district around the Seven Creeks and Strathbogie Ranges. Today the parish comprises of the townships of Euroa, Longwood and Violet Town all which have churches and the districts of Ruffy, Molka, Strathbogie, Balmattum, Gooram, Boho South, Creighton’s Creek, Miepoll and Locksley.
St John's offers parishioners and visitors a welcoming environment for worship, education, continuing formation, social activities and support through its many organisations and gatherings: Baptism and Marriage Preparation, RCIA (Catechumenate), Christian Meditation Group, Prayer & Reflection gatherings, St Vincent de Paul Society, Catholic Women's League, Liturgy and Finance committees.
St John's Primary School with modern curriculum and facilities provides excellent education within a caring community, committed to the Gospel values of Jesus Christ, the Christian way of life and the Catholic tradition.

Family School Partnerships
A strong partnership between families and a school focuses on improving student's learning opportunities and educational process, this in turn supports improvements in an individual’s academic performance. At St John’s we value the vital partnership between home and school and welcome families whenever possible. Some ways we work in partnership with our families is through parent helpers, attendance at School Masses and Assemblies, special events, playgroup, parent/teacher meetings, being a member of our School Advisory Council and other celebrations throughout the year. We encourage families to come into the school each day, visit classrooms and see all the wonderful things happening at St Johns.

School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is an advisory team made up of the School Principal, the Assistant Principal, a staff representative, and elected parents of the school.
The team meets each term and discusses issues which relate to the running and the planning of the school. While decisions relating to the running of the school are the concern of the Principal, the advice and recommendations are taken on board with high regard.
The SAC enhances communication and accountability, and plays a key role in keeping staff and families 'on the same page'.
Hear From Our Community
"St John’s is a great school where everyone is fair and kind. We have a big playground and two sandpits, a giant oval and we get to have lunch orders each week. We even have a forest near the tennis courts. I love this school!"
Grace, Student

"I like St John’s because I get a great education and that is really important. There are really good teachers and children. We also have great sports equipment and the teachers always encourage us to achieve our goals."
Darby, Student
"At St John’s we always help each other. We are a kind and loving school for everyone. The teachers love to teach the students and help them to learn!"
Charlotte, Student