Our Students
At St John’s we are committed to creating inclusive, engaging, safe and mutually respectful environments where all members of the community flourish.
Our Wellbeing teaching and learning of social and emotional curriculum supports the social, emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual needs of all our students. We focus on developing resilience, empathy and respectful relationships.
We are dedicated to our Positive Behaviour in Schools Framework, which involves a consistent school wide approach to behaviour embedding our behaviour values of the 4 B’s - Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe and Be Like Jesus.
Wellbeing Programs

At St John’s we believe that explicitly teaching social and behavioural skills will enhance learning and teaching; both in and outside the classroom. Known as our 4Bs; Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Like Jesus, these are the expectations that we value within our learning area, our yard, in the community and in the cyberworld.
We commit to a Positive Behaviours in Schools (PBIS) framework that assists the teaching of social and behavioural skills in the aim to enhance learning and teaching. Schools have a responsibility to provide an education to students in safe and predictable environments. Establishing a positive, proactive, preventative school wide set of behavioural expectations is a necessary first step for enabling our school to achieve our goals and responsibilities.
Behaviour Vision Statement
At St John’s learning occurs when staff, students and parents maintain relationships of trust, kindness and respect. We model and teach behaviour to support student learning and wellbeing.

St John’s has a Buddy program aimed at supporting Foundation students as they transition into school life. All Foundation students have a year six buddy who looks out for them throughout their first year of school and is a highlight for both the Year 6 students and their Foundation buddies.
Hear From Our Community

"I like the teachers at St John's because they are all so caring and help me to learn and make me want to always try my best."